So… Yeah, the X-Pro2’s in my hands for good.

I’ve actually got a few days to play with this baby before the official shipping date of Fujifilm, and I’ve completely fallen in love with it. Review coming in a month or two 😉


ACROS. One of the most talked about features on the X-Pro2. According to Fujifilm, they really wanted to focus on this particular film simulation with its innate contrast and shadow reproduction. Once I started shooting with Acros (which I rarely do, as a predominantly-RAW shooter), I am slowing getting where Fuji is coming from.


On a side note:

In an interview with Map Camera recently, Fuji manager Ueno talked about how Fujifilm’s film simulation work hand in hand with their Auto White Balance system in camera. He talked about how only using AWB alongside with particular film simulations will the users be able to get the intended experience that Fujifilm offers. That’s why so many third party post-processing tools get it wrong, and that’s why the so-called “Fuji-colors” became so renowned among photography enthusiasts.

Quite interesting of a read. I encourage you guys to check it out to, if you understand Japanese, of course.


So I’ve been shooting on Acros in JPEG on my X-Pro2 recently, also bringing my beloved Contax T2, loaded with Neopan 100 Acros, to see if they… well… “match”.

I have to say I am particularly impressed with Fuji’s arrangement of “grain structure” (yes, in parenthesis because of digital) in their grain effect tool. Both weak and strong settings work great with Acros, natural and truely film-like.


More to come on the X-Pro2 and Acros in the future…


3 thoughts on “MY TAKE ON ACROS

  1. Interesting comment on Auto WB. I have found the Auto WB on the X-Pro 2 to be the best of any digital camera I have used, including my Nikon D3, D3s, and D4. It truly is something to behold in tough lighting situations.

    I am not a big fan of B&W in general but I have shot using the Acros with Jpeg Fine settings. Fuji have done their homework! It looks fantastic.

    I’m a retired pro now, and, I shoot almost exclusively in Jpeg because of the film simulations in camera. If you expose properly, I think they look better than anything I can try to reproduce using the RAW image.

    I really enjoyed you post and images.


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